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Unknown FileType

My Models: [Model 1292]
Unknown FileType
Manufacturer Audio Sonic
Main-Processor(s) 8-bit Signetics 2650AN
Speed 4.43MHz
Memory 43 bytes data
Co-processor(s) -
Colors 8
Graphics 208x108
Sound beep
Media cartridge
Year 1979
My games 17
Unknown FileType

The Audio Sonic 1293 (also known as the radofin 1293) was one of the first consoles using a cpu. This console belongs to a group of consoles using the same hardware and games, but with different cartridge formats. The Interton VC4000 is in fact the same thing, but cartridges could not be exchanged.

Unknown FileType

Unknown FileType

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince