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My Models: [VC 4000]
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Manufacturer Interton
Main-Processor(s) CT 429
Speed ?
Memory ? (Little)
Co-processor(s) -
Colors 8
Graphics 208x128
Media Cartridge (2K/4K)
Year 1978
My games 5
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The Interton VC4000 is the only game console entirely developed and manufactured in Germany. A german hearing aid manufacturer called Interton (which is still in business) resident in Cologne released this video game console in the early 80's. The Interton VC4000 has a software library with about 40 games. One of the most impressive is no. 28: "Cockpit" which is a real flight simulation! The Interton is comparable with the Emerson Arcadia. The console itself has a nice casing and the typical analog joysticks. For the Interton games they come with some paper overlays which fit on the joysticks action buttons set (12 buttons for certain actions and two "fire"-buttons). The Interton has a great variaty of games. Intertons intention was to make a entertaining and edutaining console. Therefore the Interton features some games like the "Intelligenz"-series or the "Mathematik"-series which are educational games. The Interton got it's set of Pac-Man and Space Invaders clones, too.

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In Germany the Interton VC4000 is a common item. For about $30 you should get a Interton with box and so on if you search long enough. A much rarer item is the VC4000 clone of the Interton from Grundig: the Grundig Super Play Computer 4000. Despite being exactly the same hardware and the same casing (except the color), the Grundig SPC4000 has one unique feature which in the end makes it almost useless nowadays: the antenna cable can only be plugged in some certain Grundig TV sets. I really don't know what this feature was for? To be exact: nobody knows. Nevertheless, the Grundig SPC4000 is a rather rare item (not unbelievable rare, but rare). The Interton is a nice console to collect. Only 40 titles and easy to get. But on the other hand it's nothing very interesting. It has no extraordinary stuff to search for nor the games are anything than common gaming fun you can get on any other console of this time.

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